Sunday, November 27, 2011


Last night I had this amazing dream. I lived in a different house than I do right now. I was getting ready to go somewhere. I was outside and was going in to write a note to my friend Amanda who would be taking care of my animals whole I went on a trip. Before I got in I saw myself climbing up a small dirt hill. To my right I looked down and there was a pond or a bay inlet. The water was deep and very clear. I saw a friend I used to work with standings in the water. He had tennis shoes on. There were three large salmon lightly nibbling on his shoe. Then I saw so many fish, beautiful fish, like you'd see in an aguarium. They were swimming all over, like fifty or so.
Then I was in the house writing a note telling Amanda to take the apple pie from the fridge when she came over to feed the animals. (this is funny because I planned on really doing that, writing a note). Terra, my daughter gave me the paper to write in but when I started to write it was so awkward because the underside of the paper was covered in dried chocolate and nuts. I asked terra to get me a new piece of paper.
Then I fell in the bay. The water was cold and kind of muddy. I started swimming toward the other end where I saw steps where I could get out. I looked behind me and saw Ty, my old black lab dog that I had put down earlier this year. He was swimming with me and I was trying to get him out go the water. I noticed he had a whole bunch of tiny, long leaves in his face and eyes. I was trying to get one out of his left eye but I couldn't get it out.

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